@article{oai:t-junshin.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000010, author = {大竹, 聖美 and 池, 好順}, issue = {26}, journal = {東京純心大学紀要 現代文化学部}, month = {Mar}, note = {In the 1995 edition of the Korean National Language Textbook (the sixth educational curriculum), almost all of the 18 foreign children's literature works included in the textbook were either the 19th century worldfamous fairy tales or classics. They were moralistic and exemplary in that they taught retribution, good and evil, self-sacrifice and love of neighbor. In the 2015 revision of the Korean primary school language textbook (the 7th curriculum, current edition), 17 foreign children's literature works are included, which are unique modern children's literature works that respect individual dignity and diversity.}, pages = {17--27}, title = {国語教科書掲載作を通して考える韓国における外国児童文学受容の特徴とその変化 ─ 2015年改訂版(第7次教育課程)韓国初等学校国語教科書と1995年改訂版(第6次教育課程)韓国国民学校国語教科書を比較して ─}, year = {2022}, yomi = {オオタケ, キヨミ} }